Weekly tasks

Week 12_Wednesday: 2023, June, 21th

Final presentation:

Week 11_Wednesday: 2023, June, 14th

The final tasting will take place on the 21.06.23 at 9:00. We have invited some guests to provide feedback. Be there from 8:30 -9:00 to set up so the guests don’t have to wait long.

We will set up tables in the media lab at our institute where all the cakes and moulds will be displayed together. We want you to briefly present your work but you do not need to prepare an extra presentation.

What do you need to bring? Basically, everything you produced this semester (the physical objects) but most importantly:

Your cake make sure it is chilled properly and stable we will provide some room in the fridge.

the Mould

the positive Model

Either the Leporello or the Booklet

  • For the leporello you need to print it on A3.
  • For the booklet you need to print it double sided on A4 with crop marks (Schnittmarken)

You can change the coloured background if you want with the provided colour palette to suit your project. Stay in the layout if you have additional graphics you want to show you can fit it in the layout.

We are looking forward to seeing your finished works.

Week 10_Wednesday: 2023, June, 7th


Layout for laporello and booklet: template

3D-Print: The new fillament for the 3d printer arrived today. We put it beside the 3d printers and marked it with an „ESPEZ“ tag.

CNC: We talked to Sebastian and he will cnc-mill our projects on Monday and Tuesday. Please prepare your cnc-files for tomorrow so we can hand them over to Sebastian for preparations.

Week 9_Wednesday: 2023, May, 31st

Upload and document everything until now to Miro and selected images to WordPress
Present your ideas and first designs for the final cake
(3D model greatly appreciated)
(Optional: to have a look at the plotter from KOEN on the 23.05. 10:00)
Vote for finals.. and the FINALS is on 21.6.2023

Week 8_Wednesday: 2023, May, 24th

Midterm präsentation:
Make a short presentation of your process and propose your final design  of the cake.
Create a section as proposed in the example showing all of the components of your cake.
Refine your geometry with the input that you got
If you haven’t already BAKE A CAKE! You will gain new insights.
We booked a shared plotter spot at Koen on the 19.06. Tell us in the Timetable section if you want to use it.

Week 7_Wednesday: 2023, May, 17th

Task 1: Finish and dokument everything till now!

finish all the things we did untill now. you can redo things if you are unhappy with thair quality.

dokument everything with good quality photos, done in our studio at the institut (black background good lighting).

make at least 4 photos of each project: frontview, planview, sideview, perspective, …

upload to our wordpress.


Task 2: start thinking about your cake

develop first design ideas for your cake.

make first baking-, recipe-, assambly- tests in your small silikone molds.

Week 6_Wednesday: 2023, May, 10th

Task 1: Lasercutting

Cut a design with the lasercutter or the other cutting machine. The shape should fit the dimensions 15x15xh cm

As a reminder I have added the links to our lasercut video tutorials (https://iamweb01.tugraz.at/main-website/lasercutter-anleitung).

Task 2: Silicone mold

Make your first silicone mold from the vacuum formed outer layer and your CNC milled objects. (if you are already very motivated start experimenting with it.)

Week 5_Wednesday: 2023, April, 26th

Task 1: Thermoforming

Vacuum-forming – we are making molds in the class for your first cake

each group (2 people) should make one negative form with silicone (of one of your cnc-models) – you can get the silicone at our institute (kronesgass 5, DG). because the silicone is in 2kg units, 2 groups (4 people) should work together.

Task 2: Think about a new design

Make a design for a NEW small „cake“ from planar elements that we can cut with cutting machine or with laser – we can cut  chocolate, marzipan…..or cardboard

Be sure that your design is stable i.e self supporting.

Week 4_Wednesday: 2023, April, 19th

Task 1: CNC Milling

CNC mill a Model

In your group generate a set of four models, which should generate a cohesive design once arranged together.

The dimensions of your object should be inside a 70x70x50 mm block.

The highest point should start at z 49 mm and

the maximum drill depth should be 30 mm.

Book a spot for your group in the cnc timetable asap.


Task 2: Research using different publications and sources:

digital fabrication; mass customisation; one architects from the list above; craft/textile,fashion, music …try to find inspiration form another field

Prepare at least 5 interesting references and make proposal for your cake based of your reserch

As always:play around more in grasshopper and enjoy your easter break!

Week 3_Wednesday: 2023, March, 22th

Task: 3D-Printing

Assignment 02:

Prepare your model with min 25 elements and two parameters that are visible on your model. Print your model with 3d printer using the fabric as a base for your model (printing time less than 3h).

  •  select a spot in the Timetable and print your geometry
  • upload some pictures of your model and the printing process
  • bring your 3D print to class

Week 2_Wednesday: 2023, March, 15th

Tasks: Grasshopper in depth

Assignment 02:

  • Continue working on your 3D parametric model in grasshopper
  • work in groups of two to create TWO models that are recognizable as a pair.

Your model should fullfill the following criteria:

  1. your parametric model in grasshopper should have (min.) 2 parameters that can be changed (e.g. height, size, number of elements, inclination, etc.);
  2. your parametric model should be: well structured, all functions described, and some of the functions grouped and marked in different colours.
  •  think about your 3D print, what object, cluster do you want to print, does it make sense, is it printable, etc.
  • create(bake) two rhino models (one per person) with at least 25 elements in a square of 100×100 mm

Week 1_Wednesday: 2023, March, 8th

Tasks: Grasshopper introduction: structure, canvas, functions, groups

Assignment 01:

  • Finish the GH assignment from the course at home or/and
  • Make your first  3d parametric model in grasshopper

Your model should full fill the following criteria:

  1. your digital model in grasshopper should have at least 25 elements with 2 parameters that can be changed (e.g. high and inclination);
  2. your parametric model should be: well structured, all functions described, and some of the functions grouped and marked in different colours.
  • upload your first idea (sketches) of your cake