Week _02
Topics from today’s class: Grasshopper introduction: structure, canvas, functions, groups
Assignment 02: Until Friday, March 24.
Tasks: Finish the GH assignment(s) from the card(s) you got today at the course.
- Document your GH definition and put some images onto MIRO board (see my example). Your parametric model should be: well structured, all functions described, and some of the functions grouped and marked in different colours.
- Prepare at least two questions for GH that we should discuss in the following class on Friday, 24 March.
Week _01
Assignment 01: Until Tuesday, March 21.
Task 1: Research the following topic using different publications and sources.
- Plates
- Ceramics
- Digital Fabrication
- Mass Customization
- Craft / Digital Craft
Create a PDF with at least 5 interesting references (prepare a short presentation)
Task 2: Design (at least) 3 plates in size 150x150mm from clay. You can use different tools, techniques and styles to design the plates. Create a PDF file with documentation of your work. It would be best if you use a series of images and short comments describing your approach, problems and challenges.