IAM Open Lecture #43
Presenter:  Marc Aurel Schnabel, Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (China)

When: Tuesday,  June 11th, 04:00 p.m.
Where: Institute of Architectur und Media, Media Lab, Kronesgasse 5/III (loft)

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“Geheimnisse” relate to our personal and secret sense-making of our reality. It is the exciting and magical discovery of aspects of connections and relationships to our environment. It is the pocket of security and wisdom that we share to strengthen bonds with friends. Geheimnisse discusses our sense-making in virtuality, a place where we can share our magical and secret discoveries. A journey that will take us through Architectures, Technologies, and Societies. These demystify the intangible notions of authenticity, the sensory and the sacred to liſt the secret of how virtuality intersects with our reality, which is both a unique and continuing realm.

Professor Marc Aurel Schnabel is an expert in digital design, digital transformation, intelligent cities, and extended reality environments, with a career in architecture and design education spanning over 25 years in Germany, China, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan. As the Dean, he is now leading the Design School at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. Previously, he was the Founding Director of the FORUM8 Research Labin Tokyo, exploring virtual city simulation. Trained as an Architect, Professor Schnabel has been the President of several professional organisations, is a CAADRIA Fellow, Austrian Science Fund Board Member, and partner of the European Union’s REACH platform. He has curated several digital architectural exhibitions, such as Ars Electronica Aotearoa, and established the online research network DARA connecting professionals and researchers of innovative digital design.

