s4u-lecture Ludger Hovestadt

Prof. Dr. Ludger Hovestadt, ETH Zürich
„SDG 7 – Über den prinzipiellen Reichtum sauberer Energie”
Wednesday May 9th, 18:00 TU Graz Aula, Rechbauerstr. 12 (Alte Technik)

Lecture as part of the series Sustainability 4u “Mit 17 die Welt retten“ – the 17 Sustainable Development Goals between Utopia and Reality.

Ludger Hovestadt is an architect and computer scientist and since 2000 Professor for Computer Aided Architectural Design at the ETH Zürich. He is working at the borderline of calculability and brings complex information technology into disposal for architecture. He is the founder of several companies in the fields of digital fabrication, smart buildings and the digitalization of our energy grids. Since 2009 his focus of research has shifted towards basic research on architecture and information. His most important publications are: Beyond the Grid – Architecture and Information Technology (2009), Printed Physics–Metalithicum Series Vol. 1 (2012), SHEAVES: When Things Are Whatever Can Be The Case (2013), EigenArchitecture: Computability as Literacy (2014), A Quantum City: Mastering the Generic (2015) und A Genius Planet. Energy: From Scarcity to Abundance – a Radical Pathway (2017).

