Integral Design Studio

-> German Version

Design work on the master’s degree course takes place in the spacious, organisational form of a studio, in which concentrated work that is in line with real practice is possible with others in a close exchange of ideas.
The tasks assigned to the studio range from criteria for the urban landscape, the developed cultural landscape, the region and the city through individual types of buildings, to the details of construction, interpretation and space. Designs for objects and spaces – which have been integrally thought out – are connected with their positions in the ongoing social process of change; that is to say, connected with design suggestions for change through time. The integrating teaching of design thus includes the awareness and reflection of the interdisciplinary, basic principles and interrelationships of architecture’s broader spectrum. The mediation of an integrative understanding of forward-looking ideas and task assignments is based on the principles learned on the bachelor’s degree, both as far as content and creativity are concerned. The integrative teaching with its cross-disciplinary character opens up to the students a forward-looking area of action for practice and theory in the broader field of architecture. The combination of project work and optional subjects that fit in with this contents-wise enable individual students to consolidate their specific specialist area within the context of their studies.

Once the students have successfully graduated from the course, they are capable of adopting a critical, integrating position as regards the overlapping areas of relationships within a design brief.
They have learnt about the interrelationship of architectonic decisions within different criteria (urbanistic through to the details of construction) and how to apply this.

When they have successfully completed the course, the students then possess directly applicable knowledge of the economic and organisational processes of the construction process and project planning. The students then excel due to their developed instinct for social-spatial qualities, for creative potential, for collectively gained values about the culture of construction and existential, natural resources. They have an overview of all technical aspects of their design work and have excellent knowledge of technology, the qualities of materials, static relationships, ecology and the energy-related aspects of construction.

compulsory courses:
161.804 Interdisciplinary Media Projects
140.803 Digital Workflow
These courses are bound to course Nr. 161.777! To complete the integral design studio successfully you have to pass the required course(s) too.



Archive, Compulsory, Master, studio, WS 21/22


Sebestyen Adam
Hirschberg Urs Leonhard
Stavric Milena