IAM Open Lecture #42
Presenter:  Branko Kolarevic, Professor at Hillier College of Architecture and Design at NJIT in Newark (USA)

Tuesday,  Mai 14th 2024, 18:00
HS I, Rechbauerstraße 12/on the basement floor

Poster [x]

The integration of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) technologies into architectural design education could have significant impact on the way students learn, with a potential to disrupt established pedagogic practices. These advanced technologies provide powerful tools for both design exploration and student learning and research in a variety of subjects, including history and theory. This lecture will explore the disruptive potential of AI tools in the context of architectural design education, while addressing ethical and pedagogical considerations to ensure responsible integration and to maintain the valuable role of human expertise in teaching and learning.

Branko Kolarevic is a professor and former dean of the Hillier College of Architecture and Design at NJIT in Newark. He has taught architecture at several universities in North America and Asia and has lectured worldwide on the use of digital technologies in design and production. He has authored, edited or co-edited several books, the most recent one is “Mass Customization and Design Democratization” (with Jose Duarte). He is a recipient of the ACADIA Award for Innovative Research in 2007 and ACADIA Society Award of Excellence in 2015. He holds doctoral and master’s degrees in design from Harvard University and a diploma engineer in architecture degree from the University of Belgrade.

